Face - Neck Lift

Face - Neck Lift

Face Lift

Due to advancing age, gravity, stress, smoking, drinking, malnutrition, the effect of sun rays, etc., sagging in the face area, under-eye bags, deep wrinkles on the face are seen.

In advancing age, the soft tissue on the face decreases and hangs down over the facial bones with the effect of gravity. It is possible to describe this situation as the fact that the skin of the face begins to appear abundantly on the face. The purpose of facelift surgeries is to eliminate this abundance and create a more tense and lively skin.

With facelift surgery, the sagging excess on the facial skin is removed, the thin muscle layer under the skin is reshaped and stretched.

How to understand the aged face appearance?

The changes that aging creates in the face area are as follows:

  • ·          Prominence in forehead lines
  • Low          eyebrows
  • Sagging          of the eyelids
  • Lines          called crow's feet around the eyes
  • Bags          and lines under the eyes
  • Decreased          fullness in sagging cheeks and cheekbones
  •          Skin folds and deepening in the mouth-nose fold area
  • Deterioration          -disappearance of chin contour lines
  • Sagging          and lubrication in the neck and jowl area
  • Veils          on the neck - deep wrinkles
  • Increases          in sunspots on the facial skin

How are face lift surgeries performed?

Facelift surgeries are also divided into the upper face section containing the forehead and eyebrows, the middle face section including the eye level and its surroundings, and the lower face section including the mouth, chin and neck region according to the area of ​​the current problem. The purpose of facial rejuvenation surgeries; It is to hang the sagged and loosened skin tissues in different parts of the face in their original places and to tighten the skin by removing the excess sagging skin.

In facelift surgery, scars are hidden in the scalp in the temple area, in the natural folds in front of and behind the ear. Since the surgical scars are hidden, they are not very obvious.

Performing applications such as eyelid surgeries, skin peeling, filling - botox in combination with face lift surgeries also increases success.

How long is the operation time?

The operation takes 2-5 hours under general anesthesia. However, if procedures such as lower and upper eyelid aesthetics, forehead stretching, eyebrow lifting are performed together with isolated facial surgery, this period may be longer.

What are the points to be considered in the postoperative period?

After the operation, the patient stays in the hospital for one night and is discharged afterwards.

Although pain is not an expected situation, pain can be seen that can be relieved by painkillers. In some cases, drains are placed to be removed after 1-2 days. Swelling and bruises on the face are possible. However, it almost completely disappears within 1-2 weeks. After this period, the patient returns to his daily life.

The effect period of appropriate facelift surgeries performed on suitable patients lasts for 8-10 years. However, it is useful to keep in mind that aging continues in the post-operative period as well.


Neck Lift

Neck lift surgeries are applied for the treatment of problems such as wrinkles, sagging, thickening, displacement, which increase with aging in the neck area.

The effect of gravity on skin, tissue and muscles causes visible sagging and changes in the neck. Arch-shaped folds are formed on the neck, fat is collected under the tickle. With the changes in the face, a noticeable change is observed in the appearance of the person.

In neck and lower face lift procedures, an incision is made sometimes in front and behind the ear and sometimes under the chin. The skin of the face and neck remains free. Excess skin is removed. If necessary, fat is removed from the jowl and under the chin area with liposuction.

It is usually planned in combination with a face lift and a neck lift. These surgeries are usually performed with general anesthesia.

As in any surgery, scars remain, but it does not attract attention because it is made under the chin, behind the sideburns, and in front of and behind the ears.

In the first days of the postoperative period, mild pain, bruises and moderate swelling may occur.