Arm and Leg Stretching

Arm and Leg Stretching

Arm and Leg Stretching

It is possible to see sagging and cracks in the arms and legs after excessive weight gain and loss in the arm and leg area, sagging as a result of decreased elasticity of the skin in advanced ages or due to genetic predisposition at earlier ages.

Conditions such as loosening and reduction of the subcutaneous support tissue in the arms and legs, excessive and inappropriate accumulation of adipose tissue may cause the need for this surgery on the arms and legs.

With arm and leg stretching, you can have more tense, younger looking arms and legs.

How is the surgery done?

Excess and drooping skin and subcutaneous excesses are removed by making appropriate incisions from the appropriate areas. As a result of the surgery, there may be scars on invisible parts of the body. These scars are usually in the area close to the armpit and the inner part of the arm, which are the least visible places for the arms when viewed from the outside. For leg stretching, the groin area is hidden in the inner part of the leg and in the fold area under the hip. Liposuction surgery is often performed together with arm lift surgery. In this way, it is possible to reduce the subcutaneous fat tissue more and to remove more sagging skin.

Surgery time

Under general anesthesia, arm lift surgery takes 2-3 hours, leg lift takes 2.5-4 hours.

What are the points to be considered after the operation?

There is pain for a few days after the surgery. Pain is relieved with painkillers. As the days go by, the pain subsides completely. In the first days, there is also a feeling of tension in the arms and legs and swelling. In this process, it is recommended to keep the hands and feet elevated in order to reduce swelling. The patient is usually discharged after 1-2 days in the hospital.

It is possible to see swelling and bruises that will pass in a few weeks after the surgery. Return to work within 7 to 10 days. However, patients are advised to use an appropriate corset for one month. In the same period, it is necessary to stay away from heavy exercise and not to overstretch your arms and legs.

It takes 6 months to 1 year for all swelling to go away and for your arms and legs to take their desired final shape.