


gynecomastia; It can be defined as female type breast enlargement in men due to genetic problems, hormone disorders, liver disorders, cirrhosis, cancer, alcohol addiction, continuous drug use and excessive weight. Gynecomastia can be caused by an abnormal increase of fat or breast tissue in the chest area, or it can occur with the increase of both.

Transient gynecomastia can be seen in boys during adolescence. This condition, as the name suggests, is most likely temporary; Breast excess disappears spontaneously at the age of 17-18 without the need for surgery. Surgery is necessary if gynecomastia continues despite the person's stepping into adulthood. Gynecomastia surgery can be defined as liposuction or surgical removal of excess tissues in the breast area, which creates an uncomfortable appearance and reduces the self-confidence and life motivation of men. It is not possible to correct the gynecomastia problem with sports or diet. Thanks to gynecomastia surgery, men can have an aesthetic body that they do not feel obliged to hide in a safe, comfortable and most importantly, healthy way.

How is gynecomastia surgery performed?

The plastic surgeon first makes a consultation and determines which method to use in gynecomastia surgery according to the nature of the growth in the breast. The gynecomastia operation, which is performed under general anesthesia in the operating room environment, is completed in approximately 1-2 hours. Liposuction technique is applied in gynecomastia caused by adipose tissue. In this technique, fats are broken down and melted by ultrasonic sound waves and thrown out of the body by vacuum method. A 3-4 millimeter incision is made in the treated area to remove the liquefied fat from the body, and vacuuming is performed with the help of a cannula (thin tube). Since the incisions made for the cannulas are millimetric, no scars are left on the skin after the application.

Surgical method is used as a solution for gynecomastia caused by both fat and breast tissue. In the surgical method, the incision is made in the shape of a half moon at the transition point between the nipple and the skin, so the scar can be completely hidden. In this method, excess skin can be removed as well as fat and breast tissue. Gynecomastia surgery, which is performed with an aesthetic approach and using up-to-date technology, is performed without leaving any traces and in a way that cannot be seen from the outside. After the operation, the person is discharged on the same day or one day later. If he does not work in a job that requires body performance, he can easily return to his daily life after 3-4 days.

What should be considered after gynecomastia surgery?

A very mild pain may be felt in the first few days after gynecomastia surgery. Painkillers make the process more comfortable. In order to achieve the targeted image, the chest area is tightly bandaged after the surgery. Two days after the operation, it is possible to take a shower when the bandages are removed.

There is no harm in doing sports that do not require heavy performance such as swimming, running, basketball and football 1 week after gynecomastia surgery. It is recommended to start heavy sports such as body building after 1 month. Again, lifting heavy loads should be avoided for a month. In order to take the final shape of the chest area, it is of great importance to use a corset within 1 month after the operation. A very slight hardness is felt in the chest for 3 months after the operation. With the body taking its final shape after 6 months, the person looks as if he has never had an operation.

Will gynecomastia reoccur?

Gynecomastia is not an easily recurring problem unless there is a serious weight gain or alcohol addiction.