Lip Filler

Lip Filler

Lip filler

Thanks to lip augmentation, the problem of asymmetry, thinness and inequality between the lower and upper lips can be eliminated. Thickening of the lips can be achieved. In this process, hyaluronic acid substance is used. Hyaluronic acid is also used in the correction of deep wrinkles on the face and the correction of deep scars. It has been preferred because of the fact that the allergic problems encountered in the previously applied collagen injections are not seen with hyaluronic acid, it has a long-term wrinkle-reducing effect and it restores the water-holding ability of the skin.

How is the application made?

Before the procedure, anesthetic cream is applied to the lips. It takes about 20 minutes for the cream to take effect. After the lip becomes numb, the hyaluronic acid-based filler is injected into the lip with very fine-tipped needles. The application takes about 10-15 minutes. It is a great advantage that it can be done in a short time and the result can be obtained immediately. Its permanence is between 6-8 months. Therefore, it needs repetition.

What should you pay attention to next?

There may be swelling that lasts for 24 hours after the application. The redness and swelling that develops after the application resolves in 1-2 hours. It is possible to obtain a natural appearance when the procedure is performed by an experienced specialist.